In the dynamic world of cycling, brand ambassadors play a crucial role in bridging the gap between a brand and its community. For a growing bicycle brand like Rook Cycles, having passionate and dedicated ambassadors is essential. They not only embody the brand's values but also inspire and engage with the cycling community, fostering a sense of belonging and enthusiasm. These ambassadors help to amplify the brand's message, showcase the quality and style of the products, and build lasting relationships with customers. Rook Cycles sat down with Bandile, one of our inspiring brand ambassadors, to learn more about his journey and passion for cycling. Here's what you can know about him.
Q: Can you share a bit about yourself and what sparked your interest in cycling. How did you come across Rook Cycles, and what drew you to become a part of the brand?
A: Cycling has always been a part of me, I had a bike when I was young but grew into other things as I grew older. In 2019 I started a small fruit and veg business with a friend of mine and had an idea of delivering to further locations in Soweto on a bike. I did it, but it wasn’t enough, I then picked up the night rides in my neighborhood and immediately I was on my bike like every single day!, I met good chaps like Scara and Juan who then were the only 2 guys riding Rook in the city. I fell in love with the Race ll from day 1 but couldn’t afford it, so I bought the Rook l and got the Matt black as a gift. I went brakeless and never looked back, I created a Rook Boys page posting weekly content and made noise to promote the brand and today a lot of our Joburg riders are keen on riding Rook
Q: What role has cycling played in your life, and how has it influenced you.
- Can you recall a specific cycling moment that left a lasting impression on you?
A: I think my journey has been based on a single principle or two, meet cool people and do cool things. Tapping into urban cycling has made me an influencer so to speak and the mandate has always been to get as many people on a Rook as possible. Back when I worked with Bandits , I sold a bunch of Rooks but there was one time when I sold it to a brother and he asked that I hand it to him built and Brakeless. That’s when I knew Joburg was going wild with our riding.
Q: What aspects of Rook Cycles resonate with you the most.
- How do you see yourself contributing to the Rook Cycles community as a brand ambassador?
A: Seeing the Race ll was the missing piece of my puzzle. The Rook Cycle builds resonates with my style. I am looking into being a spec head so my videos are more edutaining and compelling. I have started investing in tools to improve my mechanical skills.
Q: Do you have a favourite Rook Cycle model, and if so, what features make it stand out for you.
- Any memorable experiences you've had while riding a Rook Cycle?
A: I’m so stoked to own a Race ll it’s been my favorite bike for a long time, the thickslicks with deep section rims on a thick frame with a variety of colors. When I received it I rode to North West with friends a couple of days later, yes I rode to North West and landed fixed, no brakes with wide bars!
Q: How does your personal style align with the Rook Cycles brand?
- Do you have any tips for combining fashion and functionality while cycling?
A: Riding Rook has helped me define myself as a rider, for some time I’ve been fascinated by the idea of fashion on bikes and lifestyle riding. I made a video a while ago about how to protect straps from tearing, I intend to do more of those.
Q: What goals do you hope to achieve as a Rook Cycles brand ambassador
- How do you plan to inspire others to embrace the cycling lifestyle?
A:I've been thinking of all-round cycling at some point, riding all the Rook models, and being able to recommend and review products for the community but for now, it's time to get a bunch of our friends on the RACE ll. I've built a good base for cyclists to join us in numbers through the content I have produced, the culture will amplify the community.
Q: How do you plan to engage with the Rook Cycles community both online and offline.
- Are there any specific events or projects you're excited to be involved in?
A:Social media is on lock, I want to profile existing Rook riders and get feedback on their experiences with riding Rook and create new member experiences, and diversify the content. I would like to bring the alleycats to Soweto & the city, a Fixedgear festival I'm trying to put together but also be a part CPT initiatives and rides.
Q:In your opinion, how can cycling contribute to a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle.
- Do you have any personal initiatives or beliefs related to cycling advocacy?
A: The green economy where community meets culture is what I call it. Today we have more of our friends on bikes more often than before, we ride in huge packs from Soweto to and in the city making it easy to create awareness for the safety of cyclists. My advocacy goes beyond bike lanes and infrastructure, as an aspiring filmmaker there are cycling stories not spoken of or told.
Q:Share a memorable cycling adventure that you think encapsulates the spirit of Rook Cycles.
- What role do you believe cycling adventures play in fostering a sense of community?
A:I've been riding Rook for 3 years now but my recent trip to the North West from Gauteng has to be my memorable adventure and these cycling events have allowed us to tap into each other as individuals outside of cycling.
Q: - Are there any dream collaborations or projects you'd love to see Rook Cycles involved in.
- How do you envision the future of Rook Cycles and your role in it?
A:Indoor cycling events like zwift and workshops would be cool and different. I look forward to a Rook carbon frame & components in future, I see myself delivering delivering fresh content on product and leading community engagements.
Follow Bandile on instagram @Bandile.bafana -
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